tagged by: generative AI

An example of LLM prompting for programming

My account of an internal chat with Xu Hao, where he shows how he drives ChatGPT to produce useful self-tested code. His initial prompt primes the LLM with an implementation strategy (chain of thought prompting). His prompt also asks for an implementation plan rather than code (general knowledge prompting). Once he has the plan he uses it to refine the implementation and generate useful sections of code.

by Martin Fowler

13 Apr 2023

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generative AI

Building Boba AI

We are building an experimental AI co-pilot for product strategy and generative ideation called “Boba”. Along the way, we’ve learned some useful lessons on how to build these kinds of applications, which we’ve formulated in terms of patterns. These patterns allow an application to help the user interact more effectively with a Large-Language Model (LLM), orchestrating prompts to gain better results, helping the user navigate a path of an intricate conversational flow, and integrating knowledge that the LLM doesn't have available.

by Farooq Ali

29 Jun 2023

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generative AI

Exploring Generative AI

Generative AI and particularly LLMs (Large Language Models) have exploded into the public consciousness. Like many software developers Birgitta is intrigued by the possibilities, but unsure what exactly it will mean for our profession in the long run. She has taken on a role in Thoughtworks to coordinate our work on how this technology will affect software delivery practices. On this page she posts a series of memos to describe what she and our colleagues are learning and thinking.

by Birgitta Böckeler

29 Nov 2023

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generative AI

Engineering Practices for LLM Application Development

LLM engineering involves much more than just prompt design or prompt engineering. In this article, we share a set of engineering practices that helped us deliver a prototype LLM application rapidly and reliably in a recent project. We'll share techniques for automated testing and adversarial testing of LLM applications, refactoring, as well as considerations for architecting LLM applications and responsible AI.

by David Tan and Jessie Wang

13 Feb 2024

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testing generative AI

Using ChatGPT as a technical writing assistant

An experienced technical author explores using ChatGPT to assist with a number of writing projects. He finds ChatGPT can provide time-savings through drafts and prompting for additional content, but lacks accuracy and depth - as well as suffering from bubbly optimism. Overall it is useful if you work iteratively, asking for small chunks with well-crafted prompts.

by Mike Mason

25 Apr 2023

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writing generative AI

What Does a Technical Author Look Like?

Asking Stable Diffusion for "portrait of technical author"

by Martin Fowler

24 Apr 2023

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internet culture generative AI

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